Frequently asked questions
Where is Lacey Lyons Rezanka located?
We have an office in Melbourne, Florida located at 6013 Farcenda Pl, Ste 101, Melbourne, FL 32940. We are located across the street from the Suntree USPS. The front door to our office is facing Wickham Road. We also have an office in Rockledge, Florida at 1290 US Highway 1, Suite 103, Rockledge, FL 32955-2712.
What are the operating hours of Lacey Lyons Rezanka?
The firm is open Monday through Friday from 9:00am – 5:00pm.
How does Lacey Lyons Rezanka bill me?
Our firm bills based on the case type. Some cases are billed at an hourly rate, while others are billed on a flat fee basis. Your attorney will tell you during your consultation what your billable rate will be. We use a customer relationship management system called Clio that will email you your bill so you can easily pay your bill online. If you prefer receiving your bill in the mail, we can also send a bill to your address and you can pay by check.
What types of cases does Lacey Lyons Rezanka handle?
We are a boutique law firm, meaning we handle all types of cases excluding family and criminal law. Most notably, we handle Estate Planning, Probate, Probate Litigation, Property Insurance Claims & Disputes, Construction Defects, Land Use & Zoning, Business Litigation, Healthcare Law for Physicians, Contract Review, and more.
What is your intake process like?
Once you call our office and speak with our receptionist, you will be prompted to provide your name, email address, the best number to reach you, and the type of matter your case is about. The receptionist will then email you our intake form. Once you submit the intake form back to us, we are notified, and you will receive a call to submit payment for your consultation fee and to schedule a consultation with the attorney. All our attorneys conduct consults in person, over the phone, and via Zoom. Once you schedule your consultation with the attorney, you will receive an email reminder for your consultation.
How can I contact an attorney?
You can contact an attorney by calling our office at 321-608-0890 or by filling out the form on our website. We strive to get back to you within 24 hours (unless it is the weekend).
What if I have an urgent question or request?
If you have an urgent question, you can email our firm at info@LLR.Law. We will try to respond to you within 24 hours.
How much is a Consultation?
Generally, a consultation costs $450 to meet with an attorney. When you pay a consultation fee, our firm can provide to you our legal analysis of your matter based on the facts and documents you provide to us. You pay a consultation fee for the attorney’s focus and expertise on your matter. In some cases, the consultation fee may be reduced from your retainer or package.